
Saturday, November 20, 2010

The flu... chunks. Except when it doesn't...

With being the lone survivor of all things sick this week I was pretty sure that my Super Mom cape was showing.  I tried to play it down by saying things like, "Well, I must have missed the flu bug when I was sitting in the hospital with Jack."  In reality I knew what was going on.  I'm bionic.  For those of you who are unsure of what I mean by bionic, I simply mean, having extraordinary strength, powers, or capabilities; superhuman.  We all know that moms don't have time to be sick, so perhaps we're all a little bionic... but I'm super-bionic...
Then on Thursday night my cape was ripped off and reality reared its ugly little head.  And, to be perfectly honest, I blame Ben.  Thursday as he was going to bed he did the ultimate no-no.  You see, when 1 person gets sick in my family I start making rules.  Rules that have gotten in the heads of my little ones and will probably scar them someday... but all the same.  Rule #1 No kissing.  We are an affectionate family and kisses are given not only at bedtime, but periodically throughout the day.  Until the moment someone shows any signs of sickness.  I call a ceasing on kissing and no one is allowed to get near me with their lips.  Heartless?  Perhaps.  Practical?  Absolutely.  You see my Turkey Bottoms are 7,5,4,2 and 1 and that's a lot of kids that can't take care of themselves if mom goes down.
So Thursday night as Ben gets ready to go to bed he kisses me.  And not the type of kiss that you give your grandma.  And as soon as he walks away I literally gag.  I panic and think, "I'm going to get the flu!!"  I guess my bionic intelligence was working overtime, because by 5 AM Friday I was puking.  Puking is a truly terrible thing.  At one point I was puking so violently that I thought I might choke and die... which at that point wouldn't have been completely horrible.  Now when you add puking to liquid pooping it gets worse.  Okay, too much information I realize that... but how much worse does life get when you're sitting on the toilet and puking into a bucket?  Not long after this I had nothing left to give the bucket, but that never stopped the dry heaving which is painful.  Bring on the cramps and the general "discomfort" in my stomach and now I can't get comfortable enough to sleep.  So I drift in and out of consciousness without ever really feeling like I was getting quality sleep.  Add on top of this that Ben watched 40 war movies with lots of loud shooting and I'm ready to jump out the window.  For reals.
So I finally fall asleep and wake up in the weirdest state of chills that I have EVER experienced.  I knew that I had the chills prior in the evening when I had 2 quilts on and a space heater pointed at me and Ben was sitting in his chair without a shirt on... So anyhow I woke up with the chills and literally half of my body has a sheet on and is sweating, while the other half without the sheet has goose bumps.  How does that even happen?  Ben tried to explain it to me today and was saying something about my body trapping heat, blah, blah, blah... but my superhuman intelligence shut off and he might as well have been explaining it to me in Greek.
The good news... I'm on the mend... no chunking or heaving on this fine Saturday.  I am reminded that God's mercies are made new every morning! 

1 comment:

Ben and Kelly Turkey said...

After reading this blog to Ben he said that it wasn't my body trapping heat, but the sheet was trapping my body heat... blah, blah, blah! ;)