
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ohhh Facebook, how you have deceived so many...

I know that we've all seen the Facebook statuses that say stuff like, "I bet we can't get 56 trillion people on Facebook to say that they love Jesus... Remember that if you deny Him that He will deny you!"  And as a Christian I think to myself... "Seriously?  If I don't put this status up to make others feel guilty then I'm not going to heaven?  Honestly?  I lose my salvation because I didn't copy and paste that status update?  So what you're telling me is that someone who is an atheist or is agnostic can copy and paste that status update and now they're in?"
The Bible is sure in trouble if the new authority on salvation comes from Facebook... No, no wait... WE are all in a lot of trouble if Facebook trumps the Bible on the way, the truth and the life.

Here's another one that I almost fell for tonight...
Change your FB profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood. The goal is to not see a human face on FB till Monday, December 6th. Join the fight against child abuse, pick your cartoon character then copy & paste to your status and invite your friends to do the same.
 Seriously had my picture of Smurfette all picked out...

And then I thought to myself... "How does changing my profile picture to Smurfette help fight child abuse?  Are child abusers going to get on Facebook and realize that there's not a single human face pictured and think, "Hmmm.  I'm not going to beat my child today because I remember these cartoons from when I was a kid!"
I would have loved it if the status just read, "Hey change your FB profile pic to your favorite childhood cartoon character!  Why?  Because it'll be fun!"

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