
Sunday, April 17, 2011

What it really means to me...

So this next line will be absolutely NO surprise to you, assuming that you know me at all. 

I love At Home America.

Please don't stop reading this... there's more to the story here and it means the world to me. 

At Home America is a wonderful compay to work with, I love their mission statement, especially about serving God first, our families second and finally YOU our hostesses and guests.  There is something different about this company and it doesn't hurt that I LOVE almost everything that I sell.

All of that's fine and dandy.  Earning a trip to Cancun and getting an extra $800 at Christmastime sure has its advantages too... but like I said, there's more to the story here, but I have to go way back long before I know of At Home America.

You see there was a time in my life where I said I wanted 10 kids.  I don't think I ever really meant it.  I believe someone asked me once if I wanted to be a mom and I said yes (like most little girls do).  Then they asked me how many kids I thought I'd like to have and I said 10!  They were shocked and I stuck to my story and continued to baffle others with the declaration that I wanted 10 kids.  Honestly I don't think that I ever gave much thought to it.  I can't remember growing up with that many friends who came from BIG families.  There was one boy in my class who, I think, had 13 kids in his family, but I always thought that was an isolated incident. 

So here I am 33 years old and the wife of a wonderful man... and the mother of five wonderful, adorable, cute cuteness, smart smartness Turkey Bottoms.  I am blessed beyond blessed.  If my family was complete at 7 instead of an even dozen I would still consider myself to be blessed among women.  And yet, I find myself searching adoption photolistings.  I find myself dreaming of a family of many colors.  

Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right; seek justice. 
  Defend the oppressed. 
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.

I want to take up the cause of the fatherless.  I want them to be counted among those who have a father, a mother and a house full of siblings. I want them to know that they are wanted... not just by me or by their daddy or siblings... but there is a God who promises not to leave them as orphans.  That not only will they be in the Driscoll family, but that God has made a way for them to be a part of His family.  

Everytime I look on an adoption website I pray for the children that I "meet" there.  I pray that God will open doors and make a way for us to adopt.  And so we've come back to the beginning of this particular blog.

At Home America.  What a perfect name for a company that will be one piece of the puzzle that will bring our children home!  Whether they will come from Haiti, Ethiopia, Liberia or right here in the US I know that God will make them At Home right here in my arms until He takes them to their real home in heaven.  You see, At Home America isn't something that I'm using to spam your Facebook walls with ... it's not something that I'm peddling to make a buck... no it's much, much, much bigger than that for me.  At Home America is helping me pay off debts that we have... so that we can afford not only adoption costs, but also the many things that Turkey Bottoms need... like a home... with a good roof, clothes, food, heat, water, electricity, food, food, food.  Man my kids can eat! ;)

So have I mentioned lately that I love At Home America?  It's more than great decor, it's a journey to bring the rest of my kids home... kids that might already be alive waiting for us.  Please pray that God will grant me success in this business, but more importantly pray for my Turkey Bottoms and their birth families.  Pray that they will be comforted tonight and that God might make Himself known to them.  Pray our babies (whatever their age) will know that we will not allow them to be orphans forever. 

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