
Thursday, October 28, 2010

How many diapers will my children go through??

I've always loved this question.  Really how many diapers will we have changed once all of our children are potty trained??  3 of the Turkey Bottoms are out of diapers and I'm hoping (translated = procrastinating) that Gabe will be trained soon.  But I found a site that gave me this equation to use for the first 2 years of life.
6 wet diapers per day for 730 days = 4,380
1 dirty diaper every 2.5 days for 730 days = 292
1 “oops I changed a diaper that wasn’t wet or dirty because I’m a new mom” diaper for the first month = 30
= 4,702

Now, obviously this equation isn't perfect... for instance my Turd Bottoms, whoops, I mean, Turkey Bottoms poop more than once a day let alone once every 2.5 days!!!  So I'm bumping that number up to 730!  Which gives me 5,140 diapers per child.

5,140 x 5 = (insert drum roll here)...
25,700 diapers!

Ugh.  No wonder most parents stop having children after 2 kiddos!!

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